Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Beyond the Selfie

These images are meant to represent aspects of myself. The first image indicates my introvertedness, as I would rather be alone inside than with the people outside. The second is me saying that I don't want to grow up, hence being surrounded by all my stuffed animals. In the third, I find joy in the simple beauty of things. For the fourth one, I show my struggle as a procrastinator, and how it can cause stress. In the final one, I simply show off three things I enjoy: Reading, Music, and Friends (via my phone, in this case).

I decided to take Photography 1 this year because I enjoy the class, and I thought it would be fun to learn more about the art so I could become a better photographer. I have learned many things, including the Rule of Thirds, Leading Lines, and photo-editing techniques such as cross-processing and infrared. Photography has also helped me to learn that I am much more creative than I thought, and I am a better photographer than I assumed. As for the class itself, it was very fun, and I especially enjoyed the Infrared project. I had never heard of infrared photography beforehand, and I enjoy nature a lot already. I would, however redo the planet project if I could, as none of my planets actually ended up working out. A challenge for me in Photography was the levitation project, as I had trouble making the pictures seem believable. If I had to offer some advice to a future photography student though, it would be to take the pictures you need as soon as possible, and to not be afraid to whip out your phone or camera around others. After all, you never know when you might find the perfect picture.

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